Medical Terminology: Abbreviations N-P
Medical abbreviations that begin with N-P are listed here.
Medical Abbreviations
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- Abbreviation: Na
Meaning: sodium (from Latin natrium)
- Abbreviation: NAAT
Meaning: nuclear acid amplification test
- Abbreviation: NABS
Meaning: normoactive bowel sounds
- Abbreviation: NAC
Meaning: n-acetyl cysteine
- Abbreviation: NAD
Meaning: no abnormality detected; no apparent distress; (and many variations of the above)
- Abbreviation: NAD+
Meaning: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
- Abbreviation: NAS
Meaning: no added salt
- Abbreviation: NB
Meaning: newborn (infant); note well (please pay attention) (from Latin nota bene)
- Abbreviation: NBN
Meaning: newborn nursery
- Abbreviation: NBIA
Meaning: neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation
- Abbreviation: NBT
Meaning: nitroblue tetrazolium
- Abbreviation: NBTE
Meaning: nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis
- Abbreviation: NC
Meaning: nerve action potential; nasal cannula
- Abbreviation: NCC
Meaning: noncompaction cardiomyopathy
- Abbreviation: NCEP
Meaning: National Cholesterol Education Program
- Abbreviation: NCS
Meaning: nerve conduction study
- Abbreviation: NCT
Meaning: nerve conduction test, aka nerve conduction study
- Abbreviation: NCV
Meaning: nerve conduction velocity (see nerve conduction study)
- Abbreviation: ND
Meaning: (examination) not done
- Abbreviation: NDI
Meaning: nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
- Abbreviation: NE
Meaning: norepinephrine
- Abbreviation: Ne
Meaning: neutrophil granulocytes
- Abbreviation: NEC
Meaning: not elsewhere classified; necrotizing enterocolitis
- Abbreviation: Neg
Meaning: negative
- Abbreviation: Neo
Meaning: neoplasm
- Abbreviation: NES
Meaning: not elsewhere specified
- Abbreviation: NFR
Meaning: not for resuscitation
- Abbreviation: NG
Meaning: nasogastric
- Abbreviation: NGT; NG tube
Meaning: nasogastric tube
- Abbreviation: NGTD
Meaning: negative to date
- Abbreviation: NGU
Meaning: nongonococcal urethritis
- Abbreviation: NHL
Meaning: non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Abbreviation: NICU
Meaning: neonatal intensive care unit
- Abbreviation: NIDDM
Meaning: non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- Abbreviation: NIH
Meaning: National Institutes of Health
- Abbreviation: NK; NK cells
Meaning: natural killer cells
- Abbreviation: NKA
Meaning: no known allergies
- Abbreviation: NKDA
Meaning: no known drug allergies
- Abbreviation: Nl
Meaning: normal
- Abbreviation: NLP
Meaning: no light perception (highest degree of blindness)
- Abbreviation: NM
Meaning: nuclear medicine
- Abbreviation: NMR
Meaning: nuclear magnetic resonance
- Abbreviation: NNH
Meaning: number needed to harm
- Abbreviation: NNT
Meaning: number needed to treat
- Abbreviation: NO
Meaning: nitric oxide
- Abbreviation: No.
Meaning: number
- Abbreviation: NOF
Meaning: neck of femur fracture (refers to hip fracture)
- Abbreviation: NOMI
Meaning: nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia
- Abbreviation: Non rep.
Meaning: do not repeat
- Abbreviation: NOS
Meaning: nitric oxide synthase; not otherwise specified
- Abbreviation: NPA
Meaning: nasal pharyngeal aspirate
- Abbreviation: NPH
Meaning: normal pressure hydrocephalus
- Abbreviation: Npl
Meaning: neoplasm
- Abbreviation: NP
Meaning: Nurse Practitioner
- Abbreviation: NPO
Meaning: nil per os (nothing by mouth)
- Abbreviation: NPPV
Meaning: noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
- Abbreviation: NPTAC
Meaning: no previous tracing available for comparison
- Abbreviation: NPV
Meaning: negative predictive value
- Abbreviation: NRB
Meaning: non-rebreather mask
- Abbreviation: NRBC
Meaning: nucleated red blood cells
- Abbreviation: NREM
Meaning: non–rapid eye movement
- Abbreviation: n.s.
Meaning: not significant
- Abbreviation: NS
Meaning: normal saline
- Abbreviation: NSA
Meaning: no significant abnormality
- Abbreviation: NSAID
Meaning: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug
- Abbreviation: NSCC
Meaning: Non-squamous-cell carcinoma
- Abbreviation: NSCLC
Meaning: non–small cell lung carcinoma
- Abbreviation: NSD
Meaning: normal spontaneous delivery (see childbirth)
- Abbreviation: NSE
Meaning: neurospecific enolase
- Abbreviation: NSR
Meaning: normal sinus rhythm
- Abbreviation: NST
Meaning: non-stress test (see cardiotocograph)
- Abbreviation: NSTEMI
Meaning: non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction
- Abbreviation: NSU
Meaning: nonspecific urethritis
- Abbreviation: NSVD
Meaning: normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
- Abbreviation: NT
Meaning: not tested; nuchal translucency
- Abbreviation: NTD
Meaning: neural tube defect
- Abbreviation: NTG
Meaning: nitroglycerin
- Abbreviation: n/t
Meaning: numbness and tingling
- Abbreviation: NTT
Meaning: nasotracheal tube (see intubation)
- Abbreviation: NTX
Meaning: N-telopeptide
- Abbreviation: N&V; n/v
Meaning: nausea and vomiting
- Abbreviation: NVD
Meaning: normal vaginal delivery (see childbirth); nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
- Abbreviation: NVDC
Meaning: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation
- Abbreviation: NYHA
Meaning: New York Heart Association
- Abbreviation: ō
Meaning: Nothing [ō—letter o with overbar]
- Abbreviation: O2
Meaning: oxygen
- Abbreviation: OA
Meaning: osteoarthritis
- Abbreviation: OAF
Meaning: osteoclast activating factor
- Abbreviation: OB
Meaning: Occult blood
- Abbreviation: OB-GYN; ob-gyne
Meaning: obstetrics and gynecology
- Abbreviation: Obl
Meaning: oblique
- Abbreviation: OBS
Meaning: organic brain syndrome
- Abbreviation: Occ
Meaning: occasional
- Abbreviation: OCD
Meaning: obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Abbreviation: OCG
Meaning: oral cholecystogram
- Abbreviation: OCNA
Meaning: old chart not available (see medical history)
- Abbreviation: OCP
Meaning: oral contraceptive pill
- Abbreviation: OCT
Meaning: optical coherence tomography
- Abbreviation: OD
Meaning: right eye (from Latin oculus dexter); overdose; occupational disease
- Abbreviation: od
Meaning: every day, usually regarded as once daily (from Latin omni die). Generally written in lowercase.
- Abbreviation: ODC
Meaning: ornithine decarboxylase
- Abbreviation: OE
Meaning: otitis externa
- Abbreviation: O/E
Meaning: on examination
- Abbreviation: OGTT
Meaning: oral glucose tolerance test
- Abbreviation: OHL
Meaning: oral hairy leukoplakia
- Abbreviation: Oint
Meaning: ointment
- Abbreviation: OM
Meaning: otitis media
- Abbreviation: om
Meaning: every morning (from Latin omni mane). Generally written in lowercase.
- Abbreviation: OME
Meaning: otitis media with effusion (fluid in the inner ear without other symptoms)
- Abbreviation: on
Meaning: every night (from Latin omni nocte). Generally written in lowercase.
- Abbreviation: OOB
Meaning: out of bed
- Abbreviation: OP
Meaning: outpatient department; osteoporosis
- Abbreviation: O&P
Meaning: ova and parasites
- Abbreviation: OPD
Meaning: outpatient department
- Abbreviation: OPPT
Meaning: oriented to person, place, and time
- Abbreviation: OPV
Meaning: outpatient visit
- Abbreviation: OR
Meaning: operating room (aka operating theatre); odds ratio
- Abbreviation: ORIF
Meaning: open reduction internal fixation
- Abbreviation: ORSA
Meaning: oxacillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
- Abbreviation: ORT
Meaning: oral rehydration therapy
- Abbreviation: OS
Meaning: left eye (from Latin oculus sinister)
- Abbreviation: OS
Meaning: overall survival
- Abbreviation: OS
Meaning: orthopedic surgery
- Abbreviation: OSA
Meaning: obstructive sleep apnea
- Abbreviation: OSH
Meaning: outside hospital
- Abbreviation: Osm
Meaning: osmolarity
- Abbreviation: Osteo
Meaning: osteomyelitis
- Abbreviation: OT
Meaning: occupational therapy
- Abbreviation: OTC
Meaning: over-the-counter drug
- Abbreviation: OTD
Meaning: out the door (discharged)
- Abbreviation: OTPP
Meaning: oriented to time, place, and person
- Abbreviation: OU
Meaning: both eyes (from Latin oculi uterque)
- Abbreviation: OV
Meaning: office visit (see ambulatory care)
- Abbreviation: oz
Meaning: ounce
- Abbreviation: p
Meaning: after (from Latin post) [letter p with a bar over it]
- Abbreviation: P
Meaning: parturition (total number of live births); phosphorus; pulse; post
- Abbreviation: POSM
Meaning: plasma osmolality
- Abbreviation: PA
Meaning: posterior-anterior, posteroanterior; pulmonary artery; physician assistant; psoriatic arthritis
- Abbreviation: P&A
Meaning: percussion and auscultation
- Abbreviation: PAC
Meaning: premature atrial contraction; pulmonary artery catheter, pulmonary artery catheterisation
- Abbreviation: PAD
Meaning: peripheral artery disease (aka peripheral artery occlusive disease); postadmission day (eg, PAD 6 equals the sixth day of being in hospital)
- Abbreviation: PAF
Meaning: platelet activating factor; paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (meaning intermittent AF)
- Abbreviation: PAH
Meaning: pulmonary arterial hypertension; phenylalanine hydroxylase
- Abbreviation: PAI-1
Meaning: plasminogen activator inhibitor 1
- Abbreviation: PAL
Meaning: posterior axillary line
- Abbreviation: PALS
Meaning: Pediatric Advanced Life Support (training program)
- Abbreviation: PAN
Meaning: polyarteritis nodosa
- Abbreviation: PAO
Meaning: peak acid output
- Abbreviation: PAOD
Meaning: peripheral artery occlusive disease
- Abbreviation: PAP
Meaning: Papanicolaou stain; positive airway pressure; pulmonary artery pressure (see pulmonary hypertension); pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
- Abbreviation: Pap
Meaning: Papanicolaou test (pap smear)
- Abbreviation: PAPP-A
Meaning: pregnancy-associated plasma protein A
- Abbreviation: PARA I
Meaning: indicating a woman with one child (partus = birth)
- Abbreviation: PARA II
Meaning: indicating a woman with two children (partus = birth)
- Abbreviation: PAT
Meaning: paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
- Abbreviation: PBC
Meaning: primary biliary cirrhosis
- Abbreviation: PBF
Meaning: peripheral blood film
- Abbreviation: p.c.
Meaning: after food (from Latin post cibum); after meals
- Abbreviation: PCA
Meaning: patient-controlled analgesia
- Abbreviation: PCa
Meaning: prostate cancer
- Abbreviation: PCD
Meaning: postconcussional disorder; primary ciliary dyskinesia
- Abbreviation: PCI
Meaning: percutaneous coronary intervention
- Abbreviation: PCL
Meaning: posterior cruciate ligament
- Abbreviation: PCN
Meaning: penicillin
- Abbreviation: PCNSL
Meaning: primary CNS (central nervous system) lymphoma
- Abbreviation: PCO
Meaning: polycystic ovary (see polycystic ovarian syndrome)
- Abbreviation: PCOS
Meaning: polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Abbreviation: PCP
Meaning: Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (now called Pneumocystis pneumonia); primary care physician (also called primary care provider)
- Abbreviation: PCR
Meaning: patient care report; polymerase chain reaction
- Abbreviation: PCS
Meaning: post-concussion syndrome
- Abbreviation: PCT
Meaning: progesterone challenge test
- Abbreviation: PCV
Meaning: packed cell volume (see hematocrit); polycythemia vera
- Abbreviation: PCWP
Meaning: pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
- Abbreviation: PD
Meaning: Parkinson's disease; peritoneal dialysis; physical diagnosis; personality disorder; program director
- Abbreviation: PDA
Meaning: patent ductus arteriosus; posterior descending artery
- Abbreviation: PDD
Meaning: premenstrual dysphoric disorder
- Abbreviation: PDE
Meaning: phosphodiesterase
- Abbreviation: PDGF
Meaning: platelet-derived growth factor
- Abbreviation: PDR
Meaning: Physicians' Desk Reference
- Abbreviation: PDT
Meaning: photodynamic therapy
- Abbreviation: PDVT
Meaning: Postoperative Deep-Vein Thrombosis
- Abbreviation: PE
Meaning: pulmonary embolism; pre-eclampsia; physical examination
- Abbreviation: PEA
Meaning: pulseless electrical activity
- Abbreviation: PEEP
Meaning: positive end expiratory pressure
- Abbreviation: PEF
Meaning: peak expiratory flow
- Abbreviation: PEFR
Meaning: peak expiratory flow rate
- Abbreviation: PEG
Meaning: percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
- Abbreviation: PEM
Meaning: protein/energy malnutrition (aka Kwashiorkor)
- Abbreviation: pen
Meaning: penicillin (Best practice is to avoid drug name abbreviations)
- Abbreviation: PEP
Meaning: postexposure prophylaxis
- Abbreviation: PERRL
Meaning: pupils equal, round, reactive to light
- Abbreviation: PERLA
Meaning: pupils equal and reactive to light and accommodation
- Abbreviation: PERRLA
Meaning: pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
- Abbreviation: Per Vag
Meaning: per vagina
- Abbreviation: PET
Meaning: positron-emission tomography (cerebral metabolic scan)
- Abbreviation: PFO
Meaning: patent foramen ovale
- Abbreviation: PFT
Meaning: pulmonary function test (see spirometry)
- Abbreviation: PGCS
Meaning: Paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale
- Abbreviation: PH
Meaning: Pulmonary hypertension; Past history (see also medical history)
- Abbreviation: PHx
Meaning: past history (see also medical history)
- Abbreviation: PHN
Meaning: postherpetic neuralgia
- Abbreviation: PHTLS
Meaning: prehospital trauma life support
- Abbreviation: PI
Meaning: present illness
- Abbreviation: PICC
Meaning: peripherally inserted central catheter
- Abbreviation: PID
Meaning: pelvic inflammatory disease; prolapsed intervertibral disc
- Abbreviation: PIG-A
Meaning: phosphatidyl inositol glycan A
- Abbreviation: PIH
Meaning: pregnancy induced hypertension
- Abbreviation: PIP
Meaning: proximal interphalangeal joint
- Abbreviation: PK
Meaning: protein kinase
- Abbreviation: PKA
Meaning: protein kinase A
- Abbreviation: PKD
Meaning: polycystic kidney disease
- Abbreviation: PKU
Meaning: phenylketonuria (PKU card—see Guthrie test)
- Abbreviation: PLAT
Meaning: tissue plasminogen activator
- Abbreviation: PLIF
Meaning: posterior lumbar interbody fusion (a type of spinal fusion)
- Abbreviation: PLT
Meaning: platelets
- Abbreviation: PM
Meaning: post meridiem (in the afternoon)
- Abbreviation: PMB
Meaning: post-menopausal bleeding (bleeding after menopause)
- Abbreviation: PMD
Meaning: primary medical doctor
- Abbreviation: PMDD
Meaning: premenstrual dysphoric disorder
- Abbreviation: PMH
Meaning: past medical history (see also medical history); perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Abbreviation: PMI
Meaning: point of maximal impulse or apical beat; point of maximal intensity
- Abbreviation: PML
Meaning: polyoma virus; progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
- Abbreviation: PMP
Meaning: Pseudomyxoma peritonei
- Abbreviation: PMN
Meaning: polymorphonuclear leukocytes, that is, neutrophils
- Abbreviation: PMR
Meaning: percutaneous myocardial revascularization; polymyalgia rheumatica; proportionate mortality rate
- Abbreviation: PM&R
Meaning: physical medicine and rehabilitation
- Abbreviation: PMS
Meaning: premenstrual syndrome
- Abbreviation: PNA
Meaning: pneumonia
- Abbreviation: PND
Meaning: paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea; postnasal drip
- Abbreviation: PNH
Meaning: paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
- Abbreviation: PNM
Meaning: perinatal mortality
- Abbreviation: PO
Meaning: by mouth, that is, orally (from Latin per os)
- Abbreviation: POC
Meaning: postoperative care; products of conception; Plan of Care
- Abbreviation: POD
Meaning: postoperative days
- Abbreviation: poly
Meaning: polymorphonuclear cells, that is, neutrophils
- Abbreviation: Post
Meaning: posterior (see anatomical terms of location)
- Abbreviation: POX
Meaning: peroxidase
- Abbreviation: PP
Meaning: pulse pressure; postpartum, that is, postnatal
- Abbreviation: PPCS
Meaning: prolonged post-concussion syndrome
- Abbreviation: PPD
Meaning: packs per day (cigarettes); postpartum depression, that is, postnatal depression; purified protein derivative or Mantoux test, for tuberculosis testing
- Abbreviation: PPH
Meaning: postpartum hemorrhage; primary pulmonary hypertension; procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids
- Abbreviation: PPI
Meaning: proton pump inhibitor
- Abbreviation: PPROM
Meaning: preterm premature rupture of membranes
- Abbreviation: PPS
Meaning: post-polio syndrome
- Abbreviation: Ppt
Meaning: precipitate; precipitating
- Abbreviation: PPTCT
Meaning: prevention of parent-to-child transmission [of HIV] (government of India initiative)
- Abbreviation: PPTL
Meaning: postpartum tubal ligation
- Abbreviation: PPV
Meaning: positive predictive value
- Abbreviation: PPx
Meaning: prophylaxis
- Abbreviation: PR
Meaning: prothrombin ratio
- Abbreviation: p.r.
Meaning: per rectum (as noun: rectal examination)
- Abbreviation: PRA
Meaning: plasma renin activity
- Abbreviation: PRBC; PRBCs
Meaning: packed red blood cells
- Abbreviation: Preme
Meaning: premature infant (see premature birth)
- Abbreviation: Prep
Meaning: preparation
- Abbreviation: PRIND
Meaning: prolonged reversible ischemic neurologic deficit
- Abbreviation: PRL
Meaning: prolactin
- Abbreviation: prn; PRN
Meaning: as necessary (from Latin pro re nata) (if used in chronic pain control, sometimes disparagingly termed "pain relief nil")
- Abbreviation: as needed
- Abbreviation: Prog
Meaning: prognosis
- Abbreviation: PROM
Meaning: premature rupture of membranes
- Abbreviation: PRP
Meaning: panretinal photocoagulation
- Abbreviation: progressive rubella panencephalitis
- Abbreviation: PRV
Meaning: polycythemia rubra vera (see polycythemia vera)
- Abbreviation: PSA
Meaning: prostate-specific antigen
- Abbreviation: PSGN
Meaning: poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
- Abbreviation: PSH
Meaning: psychosocial history; past medical history (see also medical history)
- Abbreviation: PSP
Meaning: phenylsulphtalein
- Abbreviation: PSS
Meaning: progressive systemic sclerosis (see scleroderma)
- Abbreviation: PT
Meaning: prothrombin time; physical therapy (physiotherapy)
- Abbreviation: Pt.
Meaning: patient (from Latin patiens, meaning “one who endures” or “one who suffers”)
- Abbreviation: PTA
Meaning: percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; post-traumatic amnesia; prior to admission
- Abbreviation: PTB
Meaning: pulmonary tuberculosis
- Abbreviation: PTC
Meaning: percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
- Abbreviation: PTCA
Meaning: percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
- Abbreviation: PTD
Meaning: prior to discharge; preterm delivery
- Abbreviation: PTH
Meaning: parathyroid hormone
- Abbreviation: PTHC
Meaning: percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
- Abbreviation: PTL
Meaning: preterm labor
- Abbreviation: PTSD
Meaning: posttraumatic stress disorder
- Abbreviation: PTSS
Meaning: posttraumatic stress syndrome (see posttraumatic stress disorder)
- Abbreviation: PTT
Meaning: partial thromboplastin time
- Abbreviation: PTU
Meaning: propylthiouracil
- Abbreviation: PTx
Meaning: pneumothorax
- Abbreviation: PUBS
Meaning: percutaneous umbilical blood sample
- Abbreviation: PUD
Meaning: peptic ulcer disease
- Abbreviation: PUO
Meaning: pyrexia of unknown origin
- Abbreviation: PUVA
Meaning: psoralen UV A (photochemical ultraviolet light A waves)
- Abbreviation: p.v.
Meaning: per vagina (as noun: vaginal examination with manual examination and speculum inspection)
- Abbreviation: PVC (VPC)
Meaning: premature ventricular contraction
- Abbreviation: PVD
Meaning: peripheral vascular disease
- Abbreviation: PVFS
Meaning: post-viral fatigue syndrome
- Abbreviation: PVR
Meaning: pulmonary vascular resistance
- Abbreviation: PVS
Meaning: persistent vegetative state; pulmonary valve stenosis; Plummer-Vinson syndrome
- Abbreviation: PWP
Meaning: pulmonary wedge pressure
- Abbreviation: Px; px
Meaning: physical examination
- Abbreviation: Px
Meaning: prognosis
- Abbreviation: P-Y
Meaning: pack-years (years of smoking one package of cigarettes per day)
- Abbreviation: PZA
Meaning: pyrazinamide
Medical Abbreviations
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Medical Coding
Medical coding is dependent upon a solid understanding of medical terminology.
To be successful and accurate medical coders must have a solid understanding of common medical terms for various reasons which include:
- Reading and understanding medical dictation
- Proper code look up and selection
- Communicating with physicians, insurance companies, and other medical professionals
- Understanding human anatomy
- Appealing claim denials
Medical abbreviations are used all the time in hospitals, clinics and various health institutions.
Many of these abbreviations are well-known and in use outside medical settings, but different institutions can develop internal abbreviations that aren't generally recognized.
Medical abbreviations are used to save time when diagnosing and writing charts. We've tried to put together an exhaustive list of the ones that are in general use.
Consider Context
If you encounter an abbreviation that could have two or more conflicting meanings, always consider the context.
Consider the abbreviation NVD. In one context it's short for normal vaginal delivery, while in a more general setting it stands for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. You wouldn't want to confuse one with the other!